Core Value #1
Lead With Positivity, Love & A Little Bit Of Weird
We foster infectious interest in our products and our customers. We are the leaders we want to follow, leading with a positive outlook and care for others, while still being our unique selves
Weird is a side effect of awesome.
Core Value #2
Go Above And Beyond To Create Excellence
We share ideas, voice opinions and provide excellent service. We do our best work and give 100% of what we have each day.
We use the tools we have to make magic happen.
Core Value #3
Ride The Wave, Adapt To Change And Enjoy The Journey
We are comfortable changing and evolving. We adapt to adversity, learn new skills and are flexible.
Each wave crashes differently, but it's how we catch
the wave that matters.
Core Value #4
Humbly Embrace Our Cultural Differences
We're international, multilingual and multicultural. We use these
assets to succeed in the global SAAS industry.
We're just fun like that.
Core Value #5
Rest And Recover So You Can Be The Best Version Of Yourself
We spend time with our families, enjoy our weekends, and use our PTO. We want everyone excited and engaged, in work
and in their lives.
We work, and live rejuvenated.
Core Value #6
Believe The Best Of Coworkers And Customers
We read the best intentions in all interactions. We give
ourselves and others grace.
We spread love not war.
Core Value #7
Approach Learning With Patience And Commitment
We accept constructive feedback for what it is: an opportunity to be more awesome! We leave our egos at the door; learning only happens when we're open to making mistakes.
We believe leaders are learners.
Core Value #8
Be One Team Built On Respect And Integrity
We're all here to achieve the same goals. No single department or person can succeed alone. We own our successes and failures, because it's all part of the process.
Give respect to get respect!